Using Redis Sentinel

Redis Sentinel handles automatic failover of Redis masters and service discovery. Tines can now user with Redis Sentinel. It is currently available in the v13.3.4 version (experimental).

Please note, we only recommend usage of Redis Sentinel when usage of services like AWS Elasticache or similar isn't an option.

In order for your Tines installation to work with Redis Sentinel, you will need to setup the following environment variables:


  • REDIS_SENTINEL_ENDPOINTS: A comma separated list of sentinel endpoints with port:

    • Example: export REDIS_SENTINEL_ENDPOINTS="redis://redis-sentinel:26379,redis://redis-sentinel:26380"


    • Default master


For TLS and authentication purposes:



    • This should be set to true in order to use TLS/SSL based connection with Redis sentinels.

    • Example: export REDIS_SENTINEL_USE_SSL=true


    • Location of the respective file (only used if REDIS_SENTINEL_USE_SSL is true)


    • Location of the respective file (only used if REDIS_SENTINEL_USE_SSL is true)


    • Location of the respective file (only used if REDIS_SENTINEL_USE_SSL is true)

Note : Not providing REDIS_SENTINEL_ENDPOINTS will default the application to use REDIS_URL as the base URL for connecting to standard Redis.

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