Delay mode

The Event Transformation Action delay mode pauses the story execution for specific number of seconds before emitting an event.

Delays are a good way of slowing down the execution of your story. Particularly useful when your story makes request to a rate-limited external service. Delaying retries to the external service could help prevent you from hitting their rate-limits.


  • Specify a value in seconds (between 0 and 3600 (1 hour)) to wait before emitting a received event.

Configuration Options 

  • mode: 'delay'

  • seconds: (Optional: must use either seconds or until) an integer greater than 0.

  • until: (Optional: must use either seconds or until) a date/time in the future at which point the event will be emitted. The input can be specified using the following syntax:

Emitted Events 

Events emitted by the Event Transformation Action in delay mode look similar to the below:

  "seconds": 25

Example Configuration Options 

Wait 10 minutes before emitting an event.

  "mode": "delay",
  "seconds": 600

Wait 7 days before emitting an event.

  "mode": "delay",
  "until": "7 days from now"
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