

Use a HTTP POST request to update a credential.


HTTP Method: PUT

Parameter Description
mode Describes the type of credential (TEXT, JWT, OAUTH, AWS, MTLS, HTTP_REQUEST_AGENT, MULTI_REQUEST).
name Optional Name of the credential.
folder_id Optional ID of folder to which the credential will be located
read_access Optional Control where this credential can be used (TEAM, GLOBAL, SPECIFIC_TEAMS). default: TEAM. (SPECIFIC_TEAMS is a premium feature. Reach out to find out more.)
shared_team_slugs Optional List of teams' slugs where this credential can be used. Required to set read_access to SPECIFIC_TEAMS. default: [] (empty array).
description Optional Description of the credential. default: "" (empty string).
metadata Optional Key/value metadata for use in HTTP requests alongside the credential value
allowed_hosts Optional Array of domains where this credential can only be used in HTTP requests. Domain matching supports wildcards.

TEXT Options

Parameter Description
value Value of the credential.

OAUTH Options

Parameter Description
oauth_url Your app oauth url
oauth_token_url Your app oauth token url
oauth_client_id The client ID for your app
oauth_client_secret The client secret for your app
oauth_scope Enter one or more scope values indicating which parts of the user’s account you wish to access
oauth_grant_type Tines supports client_credentials and authorization_code grants.
oauthPkceCodeChallengeMethod PKCE challenge method (S256, plain). default: NULL (None).

MTLS Options

Parameter Description
mtls_client_certificate The certificate file issued by the CA for this client
mtls_client_private_key The private key file for the client certificate
mtls_root_certificate The root certificate file for the certificate authority (CA) responsible for signatures

JWT Options

Parameter Description
jwt_algorithm The algorithm to be used when computing the JWT
jwt_payload The payload to be included in the JWT
jwt_auto_generate_time_claims Auto generate ‘iat’ & ‘exp’ claims
jwt_private_key The private key to be used to sign the JWT


Parameter Description
http_request_options JSON string representing the Agents::HTTPRequestAgent Options (required)
http_request_location_of_token Location of token from response (required)
http_request_secret Secret value to save in an http request. This can be referenced as secret in the HTTP request options builder.
http_request_ttl Time to live (TTL) in seconds.


Parameter Description
http_request_location_of_token Location of token from response (required)
credential_requests List of requests to run to fetch the credential values (required).
http_request_ttl Time to live (TTL) in seconds.

AWS Options

Parameter Description
aws_authentication_type The authentication method with AWS, key-based-access or role-based-access(KEY, ROLE, INSTANCE_PROFILE)
aws_access_key The access key from your AWS Security Credentials
aws_secret_key The access secret from your AWS Security Credentials
aws_assumed_role_arn Required for role-based-access The ARN of the role you wish to assume, e.g.: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/write-access-role

Sample request

curl -X PUT \
  https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/user_credentials/<<credential_id>> \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>' \
  -d '{
        "name": "Updated credential name",
        "value": "Updated secret value",
        "mode": "TEXT",
        "metadata": { "account_domain": "https://updatedmetadataexample.com" }


A successful request will return a JSON object describing the created credential.

Field description

Parameter Description
id credential ID.
name Name of the credential.
mode Describes the type of credential (TEXT, JWT, OAUTH, AWS, MTLS, HTTP_REQUEST_AGENT, MULTI_REQUEST).
team_id ID of team to which the credential belongs.
folder_id ID of folder to which the credential belongs.
read_access Control where this credential can be used (TEAM, GLOBAL, SPECIFIC_TEAMS).
shared_team_slugs List of teams' slugs where this credential can be used when read_access is SPECIFIC_TEAMS, otherwise empty.
description Description of the credential.
slug An underscored representation of the credential name
created_at ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the credential was created.
updated_at ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the credential was last updated.
allowed_hosts Array of domains where this credential can only be used in HTTP requests.
metadata Key/value metadata for use in HTTP requests alongside the credential value.

Sample response

  "id": 1,
  "name": "tines_api_credential",
  "mode": "TEXT",
  "team_id": 2,
  "folder_id": 1,
  "read_access": "TEAM",
  "shared_team_slugs": [],
  "slug": "tines_api_credential",
  "created_at": "2021-03-26T12:34:16.540Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-03-26T12:34:16.540Z",
  "description": "",
  "allowed_hosts": [],
  "metadata": { "account_domain": "https://example.com" }
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