

Retrieve a credential.


HTTP Method: GET

Parameter Description
credential_id The ID of the credential to retrieve.
curl -X GET \
  https://<<META.tenant.domain>>/api/v1/user_credentials/<<credential_id>> \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <<CREDENTIAL.tines_api_key>>'


A successful request will return a JSON object describing the selected credential.

Field description

Parameter Description
id credential ID.
name Name of the credential.
mode Describes the type of credential (TEXT, JWT, OAUTH, AWS, MTLS, HTTP_REQUEST_AGENT, MULTI_REQUEST).
team_id ID of team to which the credential belongs.
folder_id ID of folder to which the credential belongs.
read_access Control where this credential can be used (TEAM, GLOBAL, SPECIFIC_TEAMS).
shared_team_slugs List of teams' slugs where this credential can be used when read_access is SPECIFIC_TEAMS, otherwise empty.
description Description of the credential.
slug An underscored representation of the credential name.
created_at ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the credential was created.
updated_at ISO 8601 Timestamp representing date and time the credential was last updated.
aws_assumed_role_external_id External ID for AWS assumed role, if exists.
aws_authentication_type The authentication method with AWS, key-based-access or role-based-access(KEY, ROLE, INSTANCE_PROFILE), if exists.
allowed_hosts Array of domains where this credential can only be used in HTTP requests.
metadata Key/value metadata for use in HTTP requests alongside the credential value.
test_credential_enabled A boolean value stating if the credential is enabled for using a test credential
test_credential The test credential

Sample response

  "id": 1,
  "name": "tines_github_credential",
  "mode": "TEXT",
  "team_id": 2,
  "folder_id": 1,
  "read_access": "TEAM",
  "shared_team_slugs": [],
  "slug": "tines_github_credential",
  "created_at": "2021-03-26T12:34:16.540Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-03-26T12:34:16.540Z",
  "description": "",
  "aws_assumed_role_external_id": null,
  "aws_authentication_type": null,
  "allowed_hosts": [],
  "metadata": { "account_domain": "" },
  "test_credential_enabled": false
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