Community stories
Discover what builders across industries and teams create using Tines. These submissions come from outside our team and are added here for inspiration.
Redirect unsuspecting victims to Rick Astley's 1987 hit song “Never Gonna Give You Up.”
Tools: Slack
By Andrew Katz at Jamf
This story is getting triggered from the CI/CD pipeline to launch a DAST scan on a specific web app. It takes 2 arguments, such as APP Name and ConfigID. It will launch a scan from and will send a PDF with the results if successful.
Tools: Tenable Vulnerability Management
By Julien D.
Winners 2023
YDWWT is our semi-annual community competition to find the most creative applications of Tines.
Encourage response teams to handover GitLab cases via a Slack Bot. An example version of the GitLab winning entry into the YDWWT Winter Wonderland Edition competition. This handles a slackbot named "Hando" which encourages Security Incident Response teams to regularly handover cases between regions. This Story was created by GitLab.
Use AI to waste the time of adversaries running phishing campaigns. Generate unproductive responses to impose costs on the attacker.
Tools: OpenAI, Sublime Security
This workflow leverages multiple parts of the Tines storyboard in a fun, creative way. In this game, individuals select an anime then guess which character said the quote. Each right answer earns points that are tracked on a live leaderboard.
Tools: Slack
We’d love to hear your ideas or see what you’ve created.