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Combine Tines and OctoPerf to test your website’s performance capability and automate custom load balancing tests

Tines’s features allow for centralized use and management of external tools once integrated within the platform, all through the user-friendly interface of Pages. These are the steps to using Tines with OctoPerf to test your website’s performance capabilities without navigating off Tines.

Transitioning to Tines cases for automation tasks

How to update your workflows to create a case in Tines instead of, or alongside, your ticket in Jira.

Tines browser extension configuration guide

Using a browser extension, Tines can provide enrichment for Indicators of compromise (IoCs). Learn how you can quickly create a browser extension with Tines and start enriching IPs.

Capability deep dive: Data search

Discover the power of automated data search in cybersecurity, as outlined in the Automation Capability Matrix. This blog delves into implementing data search using SIEM systems, handling search jobs, and addressing various use cases, ultimately enhancing security and efficiency across multiple workflows.

Counting the seconds: a method of showing automation value

Learn how to effectively record the time saved from automation to demonstrate its value.

How to use the Microsoft Graph API for email

In this tutorial, we'll show how to integrate Tines with the Microsoft Graph API.

Utilizing Tines' Automation Capability Matrix

In this example, we take a very common process many organizations face - phishing response - and apply the ideas outlined in the Automation Capability Matrix.

Enhance threat response with Tines' Automation Capability Matrix

With this set of techniques, security teams can identify new automation opportunities and implement strategies to enhance their threat response efforts.

Automating compliance processes with Tines

Automation can play a crucial role in helping organizations navigate the challenges of ensuring secure and compliant hybrid cloud environments. With Tines, automating key compliance workflows is no longer a struggle.

Leverage the HashiCorp Cloud Platform Vault with Tines

Learn how to use Tines to retrieve an application's credentials whenever you require them in a workflow.

Handle Terraform Cloud infrastructure requests automatically with Tines

Tines helps DevOps teams better leverage Terraform Cloud run tasks pre-plan by enabling them to approve and record infrastructure requests from Terraform Cloud automatically.

Leveraging Microsoft Teams webhooks to create a Tines chatbot

Microsoft requires users to leverage the Microsoft Developer Portal to create new Teams applications, such as chatbots. This blog provides alternative options.

Boost efficiency in combating cyber threats with Tines and Lacework

Together, Lacework and Tines provide end-to-end coverage for your cloud environment, from monitoring and detection to response and remediation.

Automating issue tracking in Zendesk using Google and Tines Forms

Learn how to use Tines to automatically trigger the creation of a new Zendesk ticket from a Google Form with all of the details you need to take action and resolve issues rapidly.

Automating Detection-as-Code

Security teams today are tasked with detecting and defending more attacks and attack surfaces than ever before. Moving towards developer-centric reliable deployments can help meet these challenges head-on!

Understanding your deployment options: Cloud, self-hosted, and the Tines Tunnel

Tines delivers the compliance you require, the enterprise features you expect, and the ability to run wherever you need it.

Streamlining threat intelligence with Pulsedive and Tines

Hybrid automation helps to replace the tedious, repetitive technical collection and contextualization steps of threat intelligence to get to the "good stuff."

How Tines stacks up against RPA

No-code automation and RPA are trying to achieve similar goals, enabling people to automate repetitive manual tasks, but here we explore some key differences.

Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 5): Microsoft Teams

How to set up a chatbot within Microsoft Teams, authenticate the chatbot leveraging the client credentials flow natively from within Tines, and provide a security analyst the ability to respond to an alert from within Microsoft Teams.

Automated detection and containment with Humio and Tines

New integration and partnership give customers the ability to take full advantage of Humio’s unrivaled real-time detection capabilities.

Interacting with Gmail mailboxes

One of the most common questions we get asked is, “How do I connect a mailbox to Tines?” Here, we answer this question for Google Workspace (G Suite).