Cases improvements roundup

Recently, we gathered a team of designers and engineers from across Tines to add smaller quality-of-life improvements to our cases product in a ‘hack day’. Because we internally use cases as our ticketing system for product quality, there was no shortage of ideas for improvements.

Here's what we shipped:

Easier emoji 

Quickly add to the case description, or to comments, with the picker. Or use Slack syntax (e.g. :briefcase: = 💼).

Preview images and videos 

Now, images and videos in case timeline comments render automatically. No need to download to view.

Revamped list display 

Now, we show much more information and density on the cases list, including timestamps.

‘Assign to me’ 

At the top of the assignment list, we now make your own account prominent at the very top, for rapid self-assignment.

Nicer treatment for long titles 

If a case title overflows, we’ll now truncate, and show you the full title on hover.

404 page 

Now, links to non-existent or unpermitted cases will show an explanatory "case not found" screen.

Canonical URLs 

Quickly construct URLs that redirect to the case in its team context. The pattern is

We had a lot of fun adding these improvements, and we hope you enjoy them.
