
Automation for the threats you know, cases for the ones you don’t

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Build your case

Powerful, intuitive case management


Capture data across workflows in a consistent, structured format.


Curate those records in a single view, to analyze trends or assign a case.


Kick-off cross-team collaboration on a case within – or outside of – Tines.


Investigate, remediate, and report on an incident in a collaborative workspace. 

Better automations, fewer cases, faster incident response

Bring humans into the loop when it matters for your business while workflows run to capture the rest. Cases make it easy to work on incident response and create an audit trail of the resolution.

Reduce friction without compromising on your technology

Automation often involves other teams – DevOps, IT, HROps – who work in other systems. Effectively collaborate across those systems and teams using cases.

Analyze and share the outcomes

Extract data to analyze, aggregate, and report case outcomes to key stakeholders.

Why Tines cases?


Engineers, analysts, and leaders understand how to interact with cases and records.


From creation to search to correlating information – the experience feels instantaneous.


Connect cases with any workflow, record, page, or API in a familiar way – through the storyboard.

Start building today

Talk to one of our experts or explore our docs, to learn how your business can leverage Tines cases.

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