Collecting input with forms

The most common way to use pages is to kick off a Story run based on some structured user input.

Defining input fields 

First, add a page and double click it to open the editor.

Then, use the page editor to select form input fields for the type of information you want to collect from the user. We support a variety of configurable inputs, from email address to file upload.

Each input field can be individually customized – e.g. to mark as required, set validation criteria like maximum length, or add a contextual description.

Connecting to your story 

Once your page is configured to accept the input you need, it's time to connect it to downstream actions (or other pages).

Just like actions, pages produce events once they're submitted, and these events get passed to everything downstream, providing contextual data.

For a simple example, let's say we've connected our page to an action that sends an email:

The "Send an email" action could then access the submitted page data using a formulas expression like the following:

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