
a = b

'Equal to' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a > b

'Greater than' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a >= b

'Greater than or equal to' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a < b

'Less than' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a <= b

'Less than or equal to' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a && b (alternatively a AND b)

'Logical and' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a || b (alternatively a OR b)

'Logical or' comparison. Returns TRUE or FALSE

a * b

Multiplication. Returns product of a and b

a / b

Division. Returns a divided by b

a + b

Addition. Returns sum of a and b

a - b

Subtraction. Returns a minus b

a & b

Concatenation. Returns a single text value, the text from a followed by the text from b

func1() |> func2(%)

Pipeline operator. Allows you to avoid nesting of function calls. The output of the function on the left is available as % in the right hand side.

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