Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 1): Microsoft Teams

Written by Thomas KinsellaCo-founder & CCO, Tines

Published on April 26, 2021

This article was posted more than 18 months ago.


In 2019, Security and IT organizations are finding it harder to source and retain talent, which is why many companies are embracing remote workers and distributed teams. Communicating within and between remote teams is challenging, and many organizations are using communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, and with them, chatbots, to improve communication and collaboration.

Often during a security incident, security teams create virtual rooms to discuss the details, investigate IOCs, and take action. Frequently, multiple teams from different disciplines are invited. On IT and Product Development teams, virtual rooms are often created on a per-project basis to discuss project-specific initiatives and challenges.

This process of collaborating within a chat tool is commonly called “Chat